Joi Boi Mk2
I built a dual-joystick MIDI controller, dubbed The Joy Boi MK2.

It's a six axis controller, specifically designed for controlling the X/Y/Z control surface on two instances of my Harmor synth.
Each axis has a dedicated LED light that increases in brightness as the value on the axis increases.
The controller also has two switches: one to enable/disable the controller(sometimes it's noisy and sends out MIDI messages more often than I want)and another that is a 3-way mode switch (not using it yet).
The MK1 predecessor
You might be asking, why is this the MK2? That's because there was a predecessor that was much more crude:

The MK1 had more knobs, was housed in a clear food container, and had blinking LEDs inside. I actually used it in a performance, and it immediately broke when I brought it home; that thing was very close to dying while on stage!
There was actually a MK0 predecessor too, which was also used at a performance:

Modular design with a base board
So how the heck did I build this thing?
NOTE: I ended up switching to a Teensy 4.1 microcontroller board> at the end of this project. All photos here are of an Arduino Micro.> Functionally, it's nearly the same thing, so read on.
I wanted this build to be flexible. I didn't want to solder wires directly to the microcontroller. Instead, I envisioned a set of header pins that I could plug everything into. So, the first step was to mount the microcontroller on a solderable prototype board.
I used prototype boards made by EPLZON. They're available on Amazon, but try to support a local shop that sells something like these.

The prototype board has two inner female headers to insert the microcontroller. Next to those headers are male headers to attach jumper cables from components (e.g. potentiometers and LEDs). I also added power and ground bus headers to the power and ground rows.
The microcontroller is nice and neat inserted into the female headers:

Now I could use jumper wires for all of my connections.
The joysticks are made by Adafruit.

A single joystick is just two potentiometers. I modified the joysticks to not spring back to their center point by removing the small tension springs inside.
Jumper connections
I realized too late that I didn't want to build my own jumper wire connectors. I had already soldered wires to my potentiometers, so I needed to figure something out.
I ended up buying a few ribbon cables that already had the connectors attached to each hook-up wire. Then, I soldered the hook-up wire to the wires on the potentiometers:

I do NOT recommend doing it this way! Splicing wires together is not fun work, and my connections broke a few times.
Instead, consider soldering the ribbon cable hook-up wire directly to your components, or just attach your own Dupont connectors.
In the end, I was able to just plug everything in to the prototype board:

LEDs and Switches
I wanted to mount my LEDs neatly on the top panel of my controller,so I got some LED holders.
I wanted each LED to be a complete component with free jumper wires and a built-in resistor. I soldered the LEDs, resistor, and hook-up wire with connectors all together, using heat shrink tubing to help keep things stable:

The switches were pretty trivial:

For the housing, I found a plastic 6" x 6" electrical project box.I set my components on top and tried to estimate where everything should go:

With a little bit of measuring and eye-balling, I drilled the holes in the top panel:

I highly recommend using a Forstner bit for large holes in plastic:

Next I drilled a hole and mounted a micro USB plug. It receives a micro USB plug from the outside, and plugs into the micro USB input of the microcontroller on the inside.

Next I mounted everything onto the top face:

At this point I had a problem: I didn't leave enough clearance for the mounting ring for one of the joysticks. It was covering the hole of one of the LEDs. I used a Dremel to remove some of the mounting ring material and make room for the LED holder.

At this point, everything was finally assembled:

Another thing I chose to add was some hook-and-loop tape to keep the microcontroller board fastened to the bottom of the housing:

The Code
This was the easy part! Here's an inventory of all the inputs and outputs:
- Six potentionmeters (two 2-axis joysticks plus two regular potentiometers)
- One two-way switch
- One three-way switch
- Eight LEDs (one for each potentiometer and switch)
Simply, the potentiometers were attached to analog input pins, the switches attached to digital input pins (mode: `INPUT_PULLUP`), and the LEDs attached to digital PWM pins. By using pins that were adjacent to each other, I was able to just use some loops to loop through each input/output pin.
const int ZERO = 0;
const int ANALOG_MAX_VALUE = 1023;
const int MIDI_MAX_VALUE = 127;
const int NUM_INPUTS = 6;
// pins for Teensy 4.1 configuration:
const int ANALOG_START_PIN = 14;
const int LED_START_PIN = 2;
const int ON_OFF_LED = 8;
const int ON_OFF_PIN = 10;
const int THREE_MODE_PIN1 = 11;
const int THREE_MODE_PIN2 = 12;
const int MODE_LED = 9;
const int LED_MAX_BRIGHTNESS = 15;
int midiValues[NUM_INPUTS] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
// reverse some of the inputs because of how I installed the joysticks:
const int analogInputDirections[NUM_INPUTS] = { -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1 };
void setup() {
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_INPUTS; i++) {
void loop() {
bool on = digitalRead(ON_OFF_PIN) == 1;
bool mode1On = digitalRead(THREE_MODE_PIN1);
bool mode2On = digitalRead(THREE_MODE_PIN2);
// LED for on/off switch
analogWrite(ON_OFF_LED, on ? 100 : ZERO);
// LED for 3-mode switch
analogWrite(MODE_LED, mode1On && mode2On ? 15 : mode1On ? 100
: ZERO);
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_INPUTS; i++) {
int analogValue = analogInputDirections[i] == 1
? analogRead(i + ANALOG_START_PIN)
int midiValue = map(analogValue, ZERO, ANALOG_MAX_VALUE, ZERO, MIDI_MAX_VALUE);
// only send out a MIDI CC signal
// if it has in fact changed
if (midiValue != midiValues[i]) {
midiValues[i] = midiValue;
// send out MIDI controller signal
if (on) {
usbMIDI.sendControlChange(i + 1, midiValues[i], 1);
// write LED brightness
if (on) {
analogWrite(i + LED_START_PIN, map(midiValues[i], 0, MIDI_MAX_VALUE, 0, LED_MAX_BRIGHTNESS));
// Serial.println("");
I have learned _a ton_ about DIY electronics projects since taking on the MK0, MK1, and MK2. It was difficult to learn how to design a build that was pluggable and modular; there aren't a lot of good tutorials on this stuff!
Things I like about the build:
- pluggable and modular, so I can keep making mods or swap out parts
- Teensy 4.1 is so much more capable than the Arduino Micro. So many more inputs and outputs.
- sturdy case, with USB power plug
Things I dislike about the build:
- jumper cables were really annoying to add to my components
- kind of messy inside
- case is a bit tall
Jumper cables, or screw terminal blocks seem like the way to go if you want to disconnect your components from your build. But... they have been awkward to work with too.
A custom PCB would resolve some messiness, especially if I could just surface-mount everything.